COVID-19 Paid Sick Leave FAQs

We understand these are extremely uncertain times with the rapid spread of COVID-19 impacting virtually every facet of business and resulting in a wave of emergency legislation. Recently, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (“FFCRA”) was passed requiring employers with fewer than 500 employees to provide employees with paid leave in certain circumstances related to…

DOI’s New 60 and 90 Day Premium and Claim Reporting Grace Periods For Employers

As the COVID-19 crisis makes it much more difficult for employers to make premium payments and disrupts the submission and processing of insurance claims, RPNA wanted to alert its friends and clients concerning recent efforts by the California Department of Insurance (CDOI) to assist policyholders.  Specifically, Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara has recently issued two significant…

Coronavirus’ Impact on Employment Classification

Support for AB 5 and its “ABC test” aimed at classifying more workers as employees rather than independent contractors appears to be growing due to the Coronavirus pandemic.  The federal, state and local government restriction on businesses and mobility have vastly limited the availability of work.  Independent contractors, who are not entitled to unemployment benefits…

The Titans of Workers Compensation Features Nicholas Roxborough

For over 30 years, the law firm of Roxborough, Pomerance, Nye & Adreani has been defending the rights of employers, Primary Treating Physicians, and Qualified Medical Evaluators against discrimination, fraud, and malfeasance by California’s powerful workers compensation carriers, third party administrators, and even the Division of Workers Compensation.  Recently, Mr. Roxborough and his firm defended…